Winter Driving Tips

All of us at Leavens Volkswagen know how difficult winters can get in London, Ontario—or just Canada in general. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of our favorite tips for driving in the cold weather, so you can be prepared to endure these harsh conditions and truly call yourself a Canadian!

Stay up-to-date on your Fluids

This just doesn’t apply to us when we’re bedridden from catching the seasonal coughs and colds, this applies to our cars as well. Our cars need the proper fluids to maintain itself all-year round, and the low temperatures make them more susceptible for getting them changed. The most important fluid to get changed is your engine’s oil. Letting your engine oil thicken in the winter is something none of us want, so getting it changed every 5,000–8,000 kilometers is the best way to not let that happen.

Other fluids you should take care of in your vehicle should be having the proper wiper fluid for the season, antifreeze, coolant, and of course, making sure your gas tank is at least half-full in case anything happens. We take care of a lot of these fluid changes in our services department so feel free to book an appointment if you think it’s time to get it done!

Snow chains on tire

Get Yourself Some Winter Tires

Some people believe that having an All-Wheel Drive vehicle with all-season tires is sufficient enough for the winter season, but that’s just not true. The rubber compound used on winter tires are much more flexible during the cold weather and less prone to freezing and flattening on the road. The tread design on winter tires also provide better traction against icy roads and snow, as well as push away water or slush. If you’re curious about which tires suit your vehicle best, you can check out what we have in store for winter tires, here.

Put Together an Emergency Supply Kit

One of the worst case scenarios while driving in the winter is getting stranded on the road and having to wait for help in the freezing cold. That’s why it’s always important to keep a couple of supplies in your car for comfort, safety, and to make waiting for help less aggravating. Some items we recommend keeping in your trunk or cargo space include a first-aid kit, blanket, paper towels or rags, road salt, flashlight with extra batteries, fully-charged cell phone, shovel, jumper cables, I can go on and on. Check out Transport Canada’s Winter Emergency Driving Kit for more info!

We know it’s never easy driving in the winter, but it’s not impossible—we are Canadians after all! As long as you’re prepared and educated on what to do and how to do it, you’ll survive the season with ease. From all of us at Leavens Volkswagen in London, Ontario, we hope you have happy and safe winter driving. Come say hi at our dealership and ask us about other ways you can master the elements and conquer the cold!


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